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Anna Hughes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director

My Story

I discovered Scentsy in the summer of 2007, while at the Washington State Nurses Association convention in Chelan, WA. Between sessions I went out in the lobby and found a woman with a table full of mysterious electric devices (which I learned were Scentsy warmers!) I smelled so many different scents that day and immediately fell in love... I bought a warmer for my mom, myself and my sister. I. Was. Hooked!!

I continued to buy Scentsy wax at fairs and large events until my sister's friend began helping me host my own parties at home. After a few parties, Dessera insisted that I should consider joining her in the Scentsy business. I finally made the leap in February 2013.

My motive was really just to make some extra money for Christmas by the end of the year. I did a few parties for friends, and then some friends of friends, and before I knew it I had a decent circle of customers. I was able to blow my initial goal out of the water within my first few months! Before I knew it, I was able to fund a family vacation to Disneyland with my Scentsy business.

It was with my very first team member that I recognized what potential this business truly held. I decided to take my "side-gig" a little more seriously and began sharing the news with anyone I could think of, that might be interested in some super fun and simple way to make money. I personally sponsored many people to my team in 2015, and I earned a cruise Cozumel, Mexico, in just 19 days. Not long after, I earned a family trip to Walt Disney World, I got to travel to Scentsy events in Nashville, Tennesse and New York City, on top of an incredible trip of a lifetime: a weekend in Dubai with a week-long safari in South Africa! WOW! These lavish trips are all expenses paid, and they truly mean all expenses. Scentsy travels in style!

On top of these incredible perks, this business has given me freedom to be home with my nine-year-old son, Deacon, instead of working 5 days a week as a nurse. I occasionally work in nursing (very part-time) because I enjoy it as a hobby, but I'm not held down, by any means. I OWN MY LIFE!

If you are truly looking for a little freedom, a little fun money, a little travel, a little excitement, a little friendship, a little belonging… Don't look any further!! Besides, you won't have to stop at “a little" of ANY of those things in this business. You could get a whole heck of a lot! Get up and join us already!

(You know how it goes... The government requires me to state that my results may not be typical. But I did this, and you could too! For average Consultant earnings, see the Income Disclosure provided by Scentsy at

What's warming in my home